A Simple Laravel URL Shortener Package.
A custom user friendly URL shortener where user can modify the requirements effortlessly. URL's will be prefixed by your domain name and a custom made prefix.
use Sadaimudinaadhar\Tinyurl\Facades\TinyUrl;
$short_url = TinyUrl::create("https://github.com/sadaimudiNaadhar/tinyurl");
print $short_url; // https://YOUR_DOMAIN/v1/asXy
Note User can modify the prefix 'v1' and can also set the length of tinyurl.
- Run below Composer command
composer require sadaimudinaadhar/tinyurl
- Publish migrations (OPTIONAL) and configuration files.
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=tinyurlconfig // Publishes tinyurls.php in your config folder.
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=tinyurlmigration // Publishes migrations in your database/migrations
Note Migrations will be automatically loaded. If you want to publish run the above migration command.
- Run the migration.
Note Before running the migration, if you want to change table name. please do change in config/tinyurls.php. By default table name will be tiny_urls.
php artisan migrate
User can override default configurations in file config/tinyurls.php
'TABLE' => 'tiny_urls',
'URL_PREFIX' => 'v1',
'MIN_LENGTH' => 4,
'USE_NUMBERS' => true,
'AUTH_URL_ROUTES' => false,
User can set a custom table name.
User can set a custom URL prefix. EG: https://YOUR_DOMAIN/v1/asXy , here 'v1' is the prefix.
User can set a minimum length. (Ideal value : 4)
Alphanumeric codes are generated for URL.
Will enable Laravel inbuilt Authentication for the routes.
If you are using lower version of Laravel (Below 5.5). Register below alias and ServiceProvider manually in config/app.php
'providers' => [
* Package Service Providers...
'aliases' => [
'TinyUrl' => Sadaimudinaadhar\Tinyurl\Facades\TinyUrl::class